Sunday, July 8, 2012

Angora Rabbits

Not sure how often will have time to blog but would like to at least make a start. Today I have shorn one of my german angora does, and groomed two others. I love harvesting their fibre and  planning what I will do with it. Last weeks shearings have been dyed a lovely mauve colour and tomorrow will  be dying some of my alpaca a darker mauve and then combing the two together  into a lovely roving to hopefully sell on my website: http:/     . I will also put it on my etsy shop.  Tomorrow I am going to a great craft day, tomorrow and will probably  take one or two of my bunnies with me for our show and tell section. The other crafters have been asking me to bring them for a while now, so now the weather is colder, I dont mind so much, but dont like them carted around when its hot etc.    This is one of my beautiful Swiss fox rabbits. While they are not angoras and dont produce as much fibre as my german and english angoras, they do produce a lovely soft spinning fibre and have beautiful temperments.      cheers for now Maree